Mystic Raven
Current Chapter Chief:
Patrick Hanson
Past Chapter Chiefs:
2024 - Alexander Ross
2023 - Luke Travis
2022 - Luke Travis
2021 - Trevor Sondgerath
2020 - Micah Marner/Garin Marshall
Mystic Raven Chapter serves the Alpine District
The chapter meets on the 1st Thursday of the month at 7 pm at
Scout HQ
10455 W 6th Ave #100
Lakewood, CO 80215
Please email Mystic Raven Chapter Chief with any questions.
A new service project that we now offer is to provide the track and people to run Pinewood Derbys for those Packs that do not own their own track and system. We can handle check-in, the track, the timing, and an MC for the event. We have successfully run events for 2 packs and are scheduled to run the Alpine District Derby on April 4. We will have a flyer soon. And we offer our services to any Pack within Alpine District at this time. We will have more to say as soon as the Derby Chair and Communications Chair finish producing the material and the rules.