Unit OA Election Forms
Election season for the OA will run from February 1, 2023 to May 31, 2023. All unit leaders should have received an email asking them to request their election. If you did not receive an email please contact us at tahosalodge383@outlook.com. Please check your spam or junk folder to make sure it did not get lost.
If you have any additional questions in regards to elections please email tahosalodge383@outlook.com.
This form is for Adult Nominations after your youth election
Let us know how our team did on your unit election.
Election Questions and Answers
What is the Order of the Arrow?
The Order of the Arrow is a group of Scouts and Scouters who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. We have been providing cheerful service for over 100 years. Arrowmen are known for maintaining camping traditions and spirit, promoting year-round and long-term resident camping, and providing cheerful service to others.
Why should my unit hold Order of the Arrow elections?
The Order of the Arrow elections recognize those who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives and through that recognition cause others to conduct themselves in a way that warrants similar recognition. We offer your Scouts and Scouters an opportunity to develop their leadership skills with the willingness, character, spirit, and ability to advance the activities of their units, our Brotherhood, Scouting, and ultimately our nation.
Is this a popularity contest or an award?
No, The Order of the Arrow should not be used as an award, bragging rights, or a popularity contest. We are looking for the Scouts and Scouters who have a willingness to give unselfish and wholehearted service to others at all times; the members of your unit everyone enjoys working and camping with. An Arrowman exemplifies the Scout Oath and Law every day.
What does the OA offer to my Scouts and Scouters?
The Order of the Arrow offers service, activities, adventures, and training for youth and adults. We provide models of quality leadership development and programming that enrich, support, and help extend Scouting to America’s youth. We offer additional leadership training at both the local and national levels. We also have OA treks at all the High Adventure camps for Order of the Arrow members.
Can we hold an election without the Election Arrowmen?
No, the unit may not hold an election without the OA Election Arrowmen. Elections must be held by current Order of the Arrow members from your OA Chapter for it to be a valid election.
Who approves the Scouts to be on the ballots?
The Scoutmaster decides who is eligible to be on the ballot. He or she may choose to allow the Assistant Scoutmasters to give their thoughts on the eligible Scouts, but the Scoutmaster makes the final decision. The Scoutmaster may ask a Scout if they wish to be put on the ballet, but it does not ensure election. No campaigning should be allowed in the unit. Honorary or Life Membership in the Order of the Arrow is not allowed.
A Scout in my troop is also a member of a crew or ship. Can the camping trips with the crew or ship be counted towards the camping requirement?
It is preferred that camping requirements be met as part of the unit in which the youth is being considered for election. In each case, the unit leader must satisfy themselves the spirit and intent of the requirement was met.
Webelos Camping?
The Order of the Arrows membership eligibility requirements focus on youth registered in Scouts BSA, Venturing, or Sea Scouts and the camping requirement must be fulfilled through camping done in one of the three programs. Adults registered as a Cub Scout Leader may not count camping nights unless the adult is registered in a troop, crew, or ship at the time.
How does the election process work?
The Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters review their unit Scouts for eligibility. The Scoutmaster decides on who is to be placed on the ballot. The Scoutmaster or OA Representative schedules an election on the TahosaLodge.org website with their OA Chapter. Please provide three different dates as conflicts may arise. Only one election per unit per year is allowed. The OA Chapter confirms the election date and requests the names of the eligible Scouts. Ballots will be made by the chapter. A Scout does not need to be present to be on the ballot. The OA Chapter sends Arrowmen to the unit on the scheduled date to preform the election. 50% of the unit’s registered Scouts must be present at the election. All youths must be physically present to vote in a unit election. No absentee ballots are allowed. A presentation about the Order of the Arrow will be made to the scouts by the Election Arrowmen. The Scouts of the unit vote on who they feel exemplify the Scout Oath and Law. Adults may NOT vote for Scouts. Once the election has been held and confirmed by the Election Arrowmen, the Scouts will be notified of their candidacy and given information about completing their Induction Weekend.
How does the adult nomination process work?
Adult Scouters must be registered with Scouts BSA and meet the eligibility requirements. After the unit election is held for Scouts, the Scoutmaster will be given adult nomination forms. A nomination should be because an adult can make the program more meaningful for the scouts and not be used as an award or a form of recognition. The Lodge will provide the final approval for the adult nomination. The Adult nomination form must be submitted to Tahosa Lodge by April 30, 2021. Adults will be notified by email of approval or not.
What if a Scout or Adult does not get elected?
The Scout or Adult should be encouraged to reflect on how they live the Scout Oath and Law. Are there things they could improve upon to make them more eligible? The election decision comes from their fellow Scouts, there is not an appeal process. The decision is final once the election has been validated by the Election Arrowmen.
What is an Induction Weekend?
An Induction Weekend is when the Order of the Arrow Candidates will complete their membership into the Order of the Arrow. They will spend one night sleeping in the wilderness, they will eat scant food, and perform a service project. There is no hazing of the Scouts and they can choose not to join our Brotherhood. The Induction is designed for the Scout to do self-reflection and provide cheerful service.
What if a candidate does not complete an Induction Weekend?
If a candidate cannot attend one of the three offered Induction Weekends, then they will not be a member of the Order of the Arrow. They could be eligible to get re-elected next year, if they meet the requirements. They may not complete their Induction with any other Lodge.
Where do I go for more information or help?
We are here to help each unit with the Order of the Arrow elections. You may email our elections team at swilson@tahosalodge.org.